
Matt Wade, Streets & Utilities Manager
Collin Such, First Shift Crew Leader

Jim Niergarth, Second Shift Crew Leader

The City’s streets are designated as major and local streets depending on the type and amount of traffic they generate. There are 21.99 miles of major streets and 37.20 miles of local streets. City sidewalk doubles the number of street miles, totaling 115 miles. A quarter of the sidewalks are inspected every year for damages and trip hazards. The streets department also maintains 37.34 miles of storm sewer mains, repairing failing underground joints, cleaning 1/3 of the 1,686 catch basins and inspecting all 44 outfalls annually. Asphalt repair, street sweeping, snow plowing, road salting, storm sewer repair, beach cleanup, and signage are all part of the streets service area.

An ongoing expectation of City Council is advanced preparation and immediate repair of wintertime damage to streets and parking lots. See Click Fix is an app that can be found online or used on you cell phone to report any street issues that may need the attention from the Streets department. You can also reach the Streets department by calling the Department of Public Works office number, 847-3493.

Improving the quality of the storm water discharges remains a priority.

Illicit Discharge Information
Pot Hole Report (Online Submission)
Right of Way Permit Application

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